ReconTEXTILEize: Byzantine Textiles from Late Antiquity to the Present

ReconTEXTILEization in the Twenty-First Century

Tunic with Dionysian Motifs
ca. 600–800 CE
Jefferson University, T&CC 1986.1.224
The bands on this fragment were probably clavi (decorative elements that extended down the front of a tunic). When a previous owner divided the tunic, the repeating pattern was interrupted. Through close study of this pattern and an analysis of the weave structure, Rachel Grand (BMC ‘21) discovered that this fragment is almost identical to one at the Museum of Fine Arts, Boston. Additional research is currently underway to confirm the connection between the Jefferson University and MFA textiles.

Two Tabulae with Birds
ca. 300–700 CE
Jefferson University, T&CC 1978.19, T&CC 1978.20
These two fragments entered the Textile & Costume Collection at Jefferson University as separate objects after a dealer or collector cut them from a tunic following their excavation. Miranda Johnson (HC ‘19) and Alexandra Stern (HC ‘20) noticed similarities between the pieces and confirmed their connection through scientific tests of the materials, including dye and fiber analyses.

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