ReconTEXTILEize: Byzantine Textiles from Late Antiquity to the Present


ReconTEXTILEize presents the histories of Early Byzantine Egyptian textiles from their manufacture in Late Antiquity to their rediscovery by nineteenth-century archaeologists and their study by modern scholars. Drawing from materials in Jefferson University's Textile and Costume Collection and Bryn Mawr College's Special Collections, the exhibition aims to recontextualize textile fragments which have long been undervalued and understudied. It was curated by Bryn Mawr and Haverford College students in the year-long 360° course cluster "Textiles in Context: Analysis, Interpretation, and Exhibition." Students conducted scientific analysis and art historical research on textile fragments from both collections during the fall of 2018, which informed the development of ReconTEXTILEize during the spring of 2019.

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